Extending the break... 😳 And considering a new title

It turns out I still didn't feel like working on the game today, so maybe I'll extend the break until I'm ready to continue.

In the meantime, I'm thinking of changing the name... since it's no longer going to be episodic, The Stranger Fables of Fantasy Heroes doesn't make sense to me anymore. Plus I may only focus on ONE hero, so neither Fables nor Heroes are accurate terms in this case.

Generally, I'm having doubts about this project again... I just can't figure out where it's going or why I'm even working on it. πŸ˜–

Hmm... What to do, what to do...

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Oh, I'm sorry to hear that but a lack of inspiration/motivation happens to the best πŸ˜‰

I'm not an expert, far from it, but perhaps during your break, try to take a good old sheet of paper and categorize and visualize your ideas (characters, important places...) and write a beginning, the main events and an ending, just a line or two to get a idea of how the game will unfolds. it might help you to work on something other than a computer.


True enough! 😁

That's a great idea, Poulet! I'm probably too lazy to do it, though... Also I'm running out of time to work on a jam submission, so it might be best to focus on that project until it's done.

You've been very encouraging and I thank you for that! Game development is just tricky sometimes, ya know?

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh you're working on a jam game? Nice, what is the theme? Yeah focus on that and just let your ideas florish for this games, maybe you'll go back to it like you did before, and each new small update will bring you closer to completion!

No need to thanks me, I really enjoy what you do and talking to you from time to time is super nice, so if my encouragment can help you even a little, I'm happy😁. It definitely can be tricky, haha! How many of my projects never saw the light of day? Too many to countπŸ™ƒ


The jam's theme is industry. And I hope you're right! But either way, at least the game has been updated a fair bit now. Making progress feels good even if the game never gets finished, and any experience I get from it will benefit my future projects as well.

It really does mean a lot, though! True, there's no doubt you've scrapped your fair share too, but the ones you're finishing are turning out good at least! I hope you're proud of your work so far.


Oh, interesting theme! These are words of great wisdom and you're totally right about thatπŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

Thank you very much and yeah, pround of finally posting them online rather than keep them for myself (Thanks Ash for that!)