I'm gonna simplify this project a bit!

In light of the first update going the way that it did, I think I've realised that the project is a little too ambitious for me and it should be scaled down a bit. Here are the various changes I'm considering so far:

  • Rather than making 12 chapters as originally intended, the game will instead be updated each month with new content.
  • The game will be less story-focussed, since writing is not my passion nor something I'm particularly good at.
  • I hate planning things, so the development process will be more organic and spontaneous from now on.
  • In general I'm taking this project way too seriously, which is something I usually try not to do with a video game! Most of the time they're supposed to fun to play, but ideally fun to make as well! As such, fun will be the main goal moving forward. Both in development, as well as gameplay.

What do you think? Are these good changes? If you have any input on this topic, let me know! I always appreciate the feedback!

Thank you for listening to me ramble today. It's super cool that you read this far.

Be well, stay safe and have an awesome day! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

- Jason (8Pancakes4Lunch)

Get The Stranger Fables of Fantasy Heroes


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For me, things looks good :)

The idea of no longer having chapter is, I think, good, so you can focus making and polishing the game without having to feel obligated to create a full chapter every month.

For the other points, I actually feel the same when making games (little to no story, almost no planning except main ideas and having fun making it is the most important thing!) so i'm also fine with that :D

Thanks for update!


Merci encore, Poulet!

I'm glad you agree with these changes. Maybe in the future I'll make a more complex project, but I'm not ready for that yet.

In the meantime, it's great to have your encouragement and patience!